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SEO optimized blog Tips for bloggers & corporate blogs

SEO optimized blog Tips for bloggers & corporate blogs

Tip 1: Content is king: But please don't forget keywords

Of course, the content of the blog is an elementary part: but bloggers can create their content in different ways.

The trick is to create interesting content that is peppered with the right keywords that are relevant to the topic and are therefore given a particularly high ranking by Google in the search engine.

The aim is therefore to appear as high as possible in the search results with your own blog using keywords.

However, the so-called keyword stuffing must be avoided at all costs, because the text should still be written in an appealing way for the reader and provide useful content.

In addition, too many keywords in a piece of text will be considered spam by Google.

It is important to define a keyword for each page and find out whether other blogs already rank for this keyword and if so, how many.

 It's about staying as unique as possible with your blog and content. theKeyword Planner can be a useful tool for this, but only if SEA (Search Engine Advertising) campaigns are in place with the appropriate budget.

We also recommend this for beginners how to write your first blog post

Tip 2: SEO – use plugins for Wordpress

Plugins like YoastSEO extend the functionality of WordPress and help with the following tips for an SEO optimized blog, says chaktty.

Tip 3: Title Tag - An important ranking factor

In addition to the keywords, a meaningful title tag is the be-all and end-all for a SEO optimized blog.

But what is a title tag anyway? This is the title of the page or blog that appears in Google search results, as shown in the following example:

SEO optimized blog title tag
optimized title tag

According to Techpally magazine, The most important keyword should come first in the title tag. In total, the title tag can be a maximum of 55 characters long in order to be fully displayed in the Google search result.

An attractive and unique style of writing should appeal to the user and encourage him to read the blog. 

Tip 4: Appealing meta description to encourage users to click

But a title tag is worth nothing without an appealing and interesting meta description. 
This describes in a maximum of 155 characters - otherwise the content will be cut off here as well - briefly and concisely what the blog or page contains and is located in the ad directly under the URL.

Important: The meta description should contain a request to the user, the so-called "call to action", and HTML icons and follow the AIDA principle ( attention , interest , desire , action ). 
The following example shows a successful meta description:

SEO optimized blog mega description
Optimized mega description

Tip 5: Avoid attachment pages - use plugins

The Wordpress plugin Attachment Pages Redirect  helps to avoid attachment pages, such as separate pages for a photo, in order to avoid duplicate content, so that the Googlebot only crawls the really important parts of the blog.

Tip 6: Use headings to structure the blog text

H headings break up text into meaningful sections and are great for keyword placement. 
Each piece of text should definitely have a meaningful H1 heading that succinctly describes the topic of the blog entry.

All other headings are graded hierarchically (H2, H3, H4), which in most cases are further H2 headings unless a new subtopic is opened in the blog entry.

Tip 7: Create internal links in the blog

Useful internal links in the blog link the individual blog entries with each other.

It should be noted that the link text is always the same.
Example: A page with the URL www.techpally.com/wordpress-seo is ideally linked with the link text "Wordpress SEO" and not with the link text "Here" or "Check out this".

In addition, entire sentences or URLs are never linked, only the corresponding link text.

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Tip 8: Image optimization

A meaningful file name should always be chosen for images: Instead of “img1234”, for example, the file name “funny-cat-meme.jpg” is suitable for the meme with cats.

The file name is written in lower case and the individual words are separated by hyphens.

Important: The images should be uploaded as compressed as possible. The program Tiny png  is recommended for this, says businesspally boss. 

Tip 9: Maintain alt tags and title tags for images

The alt tag for images can be five to ten words long and should not contain any filler words.

It is about describing as concisely and concisely as possible what the user sees in the picture.

It is also a good idea to place keywords here. The title tag for an image is visible to the user when they move the mouse over the image (mouseover).

Therefore, unlike the alt tag, which can be grammatically incorrect and abbreviated, the title tag should be beautifully and attractively worded.

Tip 10: Secure backlinks

According to businesspally, The more backlinks - links that point back to your own blog - a page has, the more important the blog becomes for Google and the higher it ranks in the search results.

Therefore, communication with other bloggers is very useful for visibility on the web: by exchanging links with "colleagues", more backlinks are generated, which means that your own blog increases in ranking. But beware: The links should always be authentic and not bought!

Google recognizes when backlinks have been bought and are not genuine, so the blog's ranking is automatically downgraded.

With our ten valuable SEO optimized blog tips, nothing stands in the way of increased visibility for your own blog on the web.

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